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last update: 16. Feb 2025

1976-12-20 Crawley - St. Wilfrids School Hall (England)

setlist unknown

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Wild Thing
Suffragette City
Foxy Lady
A Night Like This
Robert Smith
Michael Dempsey
Laurence Tolhurst
Porl Thompson
Martin Creasy
the Band was called 'Malice'
Songs played: 7  (7)

Day of the week: Monday


Encore 1:
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[...] marks unknown banter segments
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20th december 1976
Robert's first public performance
St Wilfrids school hall in Crawley...
Porl and Lol and Michael were onstage too...
from the book 'Ten Imaginary Years'
... though, we played St Wilfrid's with Marc's new band, Amulet. I told the headmaster Malice were a pop group without telling him I was a member because he hated me! We got in this singer, Martin, a journalist with The Crawley Observer with whom we hadn't had a single rehearsal, and he turned up in a three piece suit, a Manchester United scarf and a motorbike helmet which he refused to part with because he was scared someone would steal it!
He turned out to be a cabaret singer ... did good impersonations of David Cassidy. We started playing; 'Jailbreak', 'Suffragette City', 'Foxy Lady' ... but no-one could distinguish anything! It was just a screaming wall of feedback!
Three hundred people came, 200 left, and the rest got up on stage! Lol started singing 'Wild Thing', Porl felt so humiliated he hit him and Martin fled with the words 'This is shit!' No-one's seen him since ... We immediately broke up the group!
from the book 'A Visual Documentary'
20 DECEMBER 1976
Malice support Marc Ceccagno's new band, Amulet, at St. Wilfred's Comprehensive School in Crawley. Vocals were handled by a local journalist named Martin, and the set included 'Wild Thing' (sung by Lol), 'Suffragette City', 'Foxy Lady' and Thin Lizzy's 'Jailbreak'. Another Song from this period, 'A Night Like This', is later revived by Robert for the 'Head On The Door' album.
"We pretended there was this jazz group and a choral quintet and sold about 150 tickets at 25p each. It turned into a riot."
from Vincent Rees
I actually worked with Porl Thompson when he worked at L&H Cloake Record shop, the chap who was in Pauls band when Easy Cure played at St Wilfrids school was Martin Creasy the monotone vocalist also an exCloakes employee who at the time was working for the local newspaper. You may also know that Amulet also had kevin Cohen on keyboards who was also a Cloake's employee so really everybody new everybody.
I also went to school with Robert , Laurence (LoL) and Michael Demspsey. And I let Paul borrow my Keyboards to use on the CULT HERO single!
I now also have my own band T-30 Control who released an album called "Blade of the sun" along with colleague Peter Smith another Cloakes's employee and played with Porl in Exotic Panda's.
from Martin Creasy (the singer for that concert)
Monotone? How dare you!! Seriously, though, I was attempting to sing through a crash helmet and I'm sure we were all rather the worse for wear. I remember it being a rather humiliating experience as just about every musician I'd ever worked with in Crawley was in the audience that night. I woke up the next day thinking That's it, I'll have to leave town. I did, within a month. I moved to join a band in Hampshire, returning only to pick up my little 60 watt Traynor PA which Robert and the boys had completely blown out at the famous Crawley bandstand gig. Happy days!
not taped ?
list of recordings may be incomplete and could contain wrong informations
The Cure
Support     | Malice
Headliner | Amulet
Venue address:
St Wilfrid's Catholic Comprehensive School, Crawley
Oakwood Old Horsham Road
Crawley West Sussex
RH11 8PG
  • [no map yet]
    Venue related links:
    The Cure appearances at this venue:
    1. 1976-12-20 St. Wilfrids School Hall (@ Malice)
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