from the 1991 "T.I.B." interview Have you shot videos that you've never shown?
"Not properly. Not with the crew. And we've filmed a lot of concerts from the mixing desk, just like static shots at the stage all the way through. I recorded all three nights at Wembley on Disintegration, and three or four American concerts like that. I don't know why I never watch them! I like the one at Giants Stadium, we've used a bit of that in this video. But generally, they're just one shot, they'd be too boring. Sometimes I just film to see what the lights look like, to see if there could be any improvement on the lighting. So I do it for a critical reason, not really for enjoyment. I really wish that we've made a proper film for the Prayer tour. It would have been brilliant. But we didn't, so... We didn't do it because we're stupid. And no one around us wanted to make a film about this. We never have anyone there that says: "I make a film"...
[note: the question was answered by Robert and ".. we've used a bit of that in this video" means the 'Picture Show' video]